Cheapside City Centre Movement and Access Project

Bradford Street Pop-Up Cycle Lanes

Construction works associated with the  Cheapside City Centre and Movement project have just started and will last approximately 16 weeks.

The project will provide a series of one-way traffic loops across Cheapside to reduce volumes of traffic within residential streets. This will provide a better environment for walking and cycling as well as improve connectivity for cyclists across the local area including:

  • Barford Street: Bus gates (a bus gate gives buses priority at a junction) at both ends of Bradford Street and Moseley Street restricting access to buses, hackney carriages (black cabs) and cycles. The bus gates will be enforced by Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) cameras.

  • Moseley Road: Two-way bus lanes restricting northbound and southbound access to buses, hackney carriages (black cabs) and cycles into Moseley Road from the junction of Cheapside and Ravenhurst Street. The bus lanes will be enforced by ANPR cameras.

  • Moseley Road to be made one-way with a shared contraflow bus and cycle lane. Left turns only into Cheapside and Ravenhurst Street for all other traffic.

  • Cheapside: Kerbed modal filters with bollards installed along Cheapside at the junctions of Rea Street, Birchall Street, Lombard Street and Alcester Street.

  • Cheapside, Rea Street, Birchall Street, Lombard Street and Alcester Street to be change to one-way streets.

  • Ravenhurst Street to be made one-way between Moseley Road and Broom Street/Little Broom Street junction.

  • Broom Street to be made one-way between Little Broom Street and Bradford Street.

To view more detailed drawings of the proposed general arrangements on each street, please visit the project webpage.

Parade Civil Engineering Limited have been appointed to deliver the construction phase. In the interest of safety, appropriate traffic management measures will be in place for the duration of the construction activities. Whilst every effort will be made to minimise disruption, it is inevitable that the works will cause some disruption in the local area. The works will be carried out during off peak traffic periods when traffic lane restrictions are imposed.

Updates on planned traffic management will be made available on the project webpage.

If you require further information, please contact 'transport.projects' at ''.

Responding to this news, the chair of Push Bikes, David Cox, said very succinctly, "Hip hip hooray how long have we been waiting for this?".
