
Push Bikes' Constitution

Agreed at Special General Meeting 8th October 1992.

1. Name

This is the constitution and rules of procedure of the society named: "Push Bikes, the Birmingham and West Midlands Cycling Campaign."

2. Objectives

Push Bikes' campaign objectives are to encourage cycle travel and to publicise the benefits of cycling for the individual and the community. Push Bikes must ensure that Councils and other relevant public authorities pursue policies to actively encourage cycling, and that they make full provision for it as part of an overall transport policy through which all members of the public can enjoy cheap, safe and efficient travel for work and pleasure.

3. Activities

In addition to campaigning, Push Bikes may organise social and leisure activities and develop self-help schemes for the benefit of its members.

4. Other Groups

In furtherance of its objectives, Push Bikes may co-operate with and/or become affiliated to other groups. Push Bikes is mutually affiliated to the Cyclists' Touring Club. Organisations which support the campaign objectives may become affiliated to Push Bikes on payment of an annual affiliation fee.

5. Individual Members

Any person who supports the campaign objectives may become a member of Push Bikes on payment of the annual membership fee. Membership runs for twelve months from the date of receipt of the first membership fee and lapses as soon as any renewal payment is more than three months overdue. Members will receive at least 3 regular newsletters each year.

6. Management

The management of Push Bikes is conducted at General Meetings which are open to all members, and by an Executive Committee elected at the Annual General Meeting, which will report to the members through the newsletter.

7. General Meetings

An Annual General Meeting must be held in April or May each year. Special General Meetings may be requested at any time by the Executive committee or by not less than 10 members of at least 6 months standing.

8. Voting at Meetings

A motion proposed and seconded at a General Meeting is put to the vote by show of hands and carried by a simple majority of the members present. Changes to this constitution require a two-thirds majority vote by members at a General Meeting.

9. Working Groups

Members at a General Meeting may vote to establish a Working group to organise an area of work defined by the meeting and to elect or re-elect a co-ordinator of each group. Co-ordinators are responsible for arranging any meetings and notifying interested members as appropriate. Working Groups are open to all members.

10. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of Push Bikes consists of the co-ordinators of each Working Group, the Treasurer, the Secretary, the Chair and the vice-Chair (the "Officers") and up to three other members. Elections for these positions will be held at a General Meeting, by secret ballot. The term of office is until the subsequent AGM. If a vacancy exists for any position, the Executive Committee may co-opt or appoint as necessary. The Executive Committee shall meet as necessary and voting will use the procedure of Section 8.

11. Notice of Meetings and Motions

All members must receive 14 days' notice of the time and venue of each General Meeting and of any motion to change this constitution or to wind up Push Bikes. If there is to be a motion calling for the resignation of an officer or the expulsion of a member, the individual concerned must be given 14 days' personal notice in writing.

12. Annual General Meeting

At the AGM each officer must present a report. The AGM reviews the work of Working Groups and if necessary redefines them or establishes new ones. The AGM will hold elections for all officers and auditor and will set membership and affiliation fees.

13. Quorum

Quorum for all General Meetings is 10 members.

14. Winding Up

Push Bikes can be wound up if this is proposed at a special meeting for this purpose called by an officer and 2/3 of the members present at the meeting agree with the proposal.

15. Finance

All cheques are to be signed by two of the four signatories chosen at a General Meeting. Spending on any item of over £25 must first be approved by the Executive Committee. Individual members' financial liability does not exceed the amount of any membership fee remainder at the time of winding up. A meeting at which Push Bikes is wound up may choose to transfer any remaining assets to another organisation with similar objectives or an appropriate charity.