
Sky Ride 2015 Cancelled

Sky Ride logo

For the second year running Birmingham City Council has failed to agree a date for Sky Ride, this time blaming their failure on cricket, hills, the development at Paradise Circus (which isn't anywhere near any previous SkyRide routes), a "particularly complicated road network", and, of course, other people. Sixteen other locations around the UK have somehow managed to overcome all hurdles, real or otherwise, in order to put on the event.

Survey of the Bristol Road Cycling Improvements

To assess the LSTF improvements along Bristol Road between Bournbrook Road and the Ring Road at Belgrave Road, Push Bikes conducted a survey of users and organised a ride to test the route.

54 responses were received, and it was found that the most serious issue was crossing at Priory Road which was considered particularly dangerous.

Councillors' Bike Ride

On the Friday in September, the end of the "Summer of Cycling" was marked by an inaugural "Birmingham Councillors Bike Ride". This was a serious fact finding experience organised by City cycling activists.

Afterwards, David Cox Chair of CTC the National Cycling Organisation and one of the instigators said "It was brilliant, much better than I could have hoped."

Push Bikes Commuter Challenge

Push Bikes organised a Commuter Challenge and a cyclists' breakfast.

Four travellers, one by bike, one by car, one by bus and one by train started from Kings Norton Green at 8.15 and raced to the finish at Baguette du Monde in New Street, just up from Tesco.

The winner received a prize presented by Councillor Timothy Huxtable, the new Cabinet Member for Transportation.

Baguette du Monde offered free coffee or tea and a sandwich or cake to the first 30 cyclists arriving after 8.30am and Push Bikes paid for free drinks for up to 30 more cyclists.

Black Country Mapping Party - 4/5 April 2009

OpenStreetMap is a community project to develop an open GPS map of the world.

The UK group has a particular interest in mapping cycle routes and have a open source cycle map under development.

The next Cloudmade sponsored mapping party will be in the heart of the Black Country hosted at "The Public" in West Bromwich on April 4/5.


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