
First Aid for Cyclists

Hopefully we wont have any serious injuries or accidents on Push Bikes ride, but being prepared is sensible. As regular ride leaders, Simon Harrison and John Bennett signed up for a one-day emergency first aid course. How things have changed since my Boy Scouts first aid badge! No slings, fewer on the spot interventions, more summoning help.

Giving Cycling a Gentle Push

Bournville Gentle Cycling

For over two years Push Bikes has been leading weekly cycling rides for less confident riders. Calling ourselves Bournville Gentle Cycling we choose to cycle on paths, through parks and on quiet suburban roads, avoiding traffic wherever possible. Over the years we have had over 50 participants and regularly get 20 riders on any day whatever the weather, so we must be satisfying a need. "It's one of the best things I ever joined!", as one participant said.

The 2015 Vintage Ride

The Vintage Ride picnic 2015

Cyclers attending the 4th Birmingham Vintage Ride on the 19th July were treated to just perfect weather, being warm enough for the picnic but not too warm for the ride, and with the sun in full attendance too. Of course not everyone has a vintage bike or clothes, but since the objective is a fun, civilised, social gathering, Sunday best was more than good enough as an alternative.

Bournville Gentle Cycling

Cofton churchyard


Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 10:00

The aim is to encourage people who are not regular cyclists to get on their bikes for easy and sociable outings.  On average we have around a dozen riders each week.  Routes are mostly traffic-free, exploring local paths and parks.  We try to avoid hills, the pace is very gentle and new riders are welcome.  If you have a rarely-used bike in the shed, or you're not confident about riding on your own, or you just fancy some fresh air and gentle exercise, come and join us.  We offer friendly advice to those with concerns about their cycling skills or their bikes and, i

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