
National Elections 2015 Cycle Campaigns

Vote Bike Logo


For the General Election to be held on the 7th May 2015, the CTC have written to every prospective parliamentary candidate to ask them for their views on 5 areas:

  1. Ambition. Will they support measures to increase levels of cycling to 10% of trips by 2025 and 25% by 2050?
  2. Funding. Will they support an average government spend of at least £10 per person per year on cycling?

Local Elections 2015: Survey of Candidates

For the council elections Push Bikes, the Birmingham cycling campaign group, is carrying out a survey of the views of candidates on sustainable personal transport.   Sustainable doesn't just mean environmentally friendly, it also means scalable (to cope with increasing demand), and affordable.

In October 2013 Birmingham City Council published the Birmingham Mobility Action Plan green paper, which says:


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