city centre

Consultation: Pedestrianising Hurst Street and other city centre plans

A Google Street View of the Hurst Street and Bromsgrove Street junction in Birmingham from June 2023

Birmingham City Council is consulting on some major plans to pedestrianise most of Hurst Street, as well as introducing more bus gates to reduce motor traffic rat-running through the city centre, pushing ahead with the city centre movement and access strategy. The consultation closes on the 16th August 2024.

Consultation: Digbeth Active Travel

From the consultation documents, a proposed illustrative view of Fazeley Street looking south-east t

Birmingham City Council (BCC) has put forward some plans for improving active travel conditions (that is, for walking, cycling and wheeling) in Digbeth. The proposals cover the area to the north of Digbeth High Street, up to the canal and the new HS2 station. The consultation closes on Friday 21st Jun 2024, and the link for the consultation is here: Digbeth Active Travel and Streets Consultation.

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