bus gate

Moor Street Queensway Bus Gate

Google Street View image of motor traffic on Moor Street Queensway

In preparation for the construction of Curzon Street Station for HS2, Birmingham City Council is proposing to install a bus gate on Moor Street Queensway outside of the train station. When Curzon Street Station is built, Park Street, which currently carries most of the private motor traffic travelling through that area towards Digbeth, will be closed. That closure will push all that private motor traffic on to Moor Street Queensway, greatly increasing the congestion on there and slowing down all the buses unless action is taken to prevent that.

Sherlock Street bus gate consultation

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Following a series of consultations earlier this year, Birmingham City Council has launched a new consultation for Sherlock Street aimed at improving bus times heading out of the city. The initial proposal was to remove the cycle lanes on the first part of Sherlock Street, to make space for a new bus lane. The strong response to that consultation has sent Birmingham City Council back to the drawing board, and instead they are proposing a bus gate to stop private motor traffic blocking the exit of Sherlock Street onto Belgrave Middleway.

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