
New cycle track to Perry Barr Greyhound Stadium

Proposed streetscape at Perry Barr

Following the completion of the cycle track from the city center along the A34 to Heathfield Road, many people asked when the route would be completed by taking it through Perry Barr. The plans for that extension have now been released as part of the redevelopment of Perry Barr center with the preparations for the Commonwealth Games in 2022.

BCR update September 2018

Artist's impression of the cycle track on the A34

On Tuesday evening (11th September) we attended the bi-monthly Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR) stakeholders' meeting to find out about progress with the BCR programme and other developments in Birmingham connected with cycling. There's quite a list - so use the in-text links below to jump to the sections that you are interested in. Before I launch into the details, there is just one thing I want to highlight. I have to admit that I had been worried that the building of good quality on-road infrastructure would come to an end as the money for the BCR programme ran out.

BCR progress update March 2018

Work starts on the A38 cycle route

The Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR) programme has entered into the final year of funding through the Cycle City Ambition Grant from the DfT, but this year we should see the biggest changes (finally) on the roads of Birmingham, with the delivery of 2 main road cycle tracks and a cycle hire scheme. It is not clear how the BCR programme will continue after this year - there has been a bid put in for some Cycle Safety Fund money from the DfT, but that is small and limited.

Bristol Road cycle route consultation again.

Artists impression of the cycle track along the central reservation.

After the consultation back in late spring this year and the delays due to a challenge from residents on Wellington Road, Birmingham City Council has launched a new statutory consultation on the Traffic Regulation Orders needed to carry out the work on the Bristol Road cycle track. Push Bikes are keen to see this route approved and delivered, as for the most part it is well designed and high quality, providing a good link between Selly Oak and the city centre.


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