Bristol Road around the Priory Road junction

Bristol Road around the Priory Road junction
This map shows the roads around Bristol Road next to Pebble Mill Road and Priory Road. At Pebble Mill Road, drivers will not be able to turn right onto Bristol Road. At Priory Road, 3 of the 4 turnings off Bristol Road will be banned. But as you can see from the map, Pebble Mill Road and Priory Road provide alternative routes for drivers, and with the new traffic light signals at Pebble Mill Road, those are much safer than the turns that are being banned. The longest detour is to turn left off Bristol Road onto Priory Road - that detour is about 700 metres extra. At peak rush hour, roughly only 5% of the motor traffic on Bristol Road makes a turning left or right on to Priory Road, and so the impact of this diverted motor traffic will be minimal. It is vitally important that the walking and cycling conditions are improved in this area, and so it is unavoidable that there will be some compromises for people when they are driving. But these compromises are a worthwhile price to pay for a better local environment with more journeys on foot and cycle, reducing congestion levels and pollution.
