West Midlands Mayoral candidates talk about transport

Front of West Midlands CA Mayoral Election booklet

On the 4th of May 2017, the West Midlands will elect a new mayor to head-up the West Midlands Combined Authority. Sustrans and Cycling UK have been engaging with the candidates and have shared their results online.

Cycling UK asked the candidates if they would support the West Midlands Cycling Charter and actively seek the necessary funding to implement it - all of the candidates have signed up to support both of those asks. Cycling UK have shared the candidates' comments online, along with an action for you to take to contact the candidates and tell them how important cycling is for you at this election. Sustrans put forward their priorities for the West Midlands mayor and asked the candidates to respond - the resulting videos have been shared on Twitter by Sustrans, and we have gathered the links here for you, for your convenience (click on the pic.twitter.com/..... links to get to the videos).









Push Bikes is grateful to both Sustrans and Cycling UK for running these two campaigns at this election. Come along to the Big Bike Picnic on Saturday 22nd April in Cannon Hill Park to meet the candidates (speeches at 1:30pm).
