Push Bikes has received this request for suggestions for cycle parking locations from the Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR) team:
Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR)
Birmingham City Council has secured DfT Cycling City Ambition Grant (CCAG) and Local Growth Funding to deliver Birmingham Cycle Revolution (BCR).
The aim of BCR is to ‘promote sustainable travel options by increasing the attractiveness of cycling’, which will contribute towards:
- Improving health & the environment
- Reducing car use
- Improving connectivity for households without a car, and
- Benefit pedestrians, public transport users and road safety.
Alongside the provision of cycle schemes predominately along the City’s major arterial roads and network of local routes along minor roads there is also the provision of additional cycle infrastructure measures such as cycle parking.
There is funding for around 350 cycle stands either M-stand (Such as these - Chris) or Sheffield Hoops or combined in a toast rack style where space allows. Ideally the locations should be associated with the BCR corridors, however it is likely that there will be spurs off the main corridors and cycle parking will be beneficial to make these spur routes more attractive for cycles by providing a parking at the destination such as railway station or local shops. We are also looking at the increasing the provision of cycle parking in the city centre.
There is also some leeway to investigate alternatives cycle provision such as Lambeth Hanger (Such as these - Chris) or Cycle Post (Perhaps these or these? - Chris) or micro-cycle hubs if there is local support or demand.
I am interested to hear from anyone, who uses a bike or is interested in cycling, about where they might find additional cycle parking useful - a locally identified need is better than a guess. If you have a suggestion could you please be as specific as possible with the location such as road name and house numbers or shop names or junction. All suggestions will be prioritised, and will be subject to a wider and successful consultation along with the available funding.
If you have any queries or suggestions please contact Nick Richards at transport.projects (at) birmingham.gov.uk.
Kind regards,
Nick Richards