The Selly Oak Green Travel District (GTD) is the first of several GTDs that will be established across Birmingham. These will bring together local organisations and businesses to try to improve travel options in that area to promote green travel. The Birmingham Cycle Revolution has allocated some funding for delivering some improvements for cycling focused around the GTD areas, including Selly Oak GTD. There has been a request for local cycle users to suggest locations where some changes could be made.
This initial funding is focused primarily on installing cycle parking in new locations. If you have other suggestions for small, 'quick-win', changes such as locations for dropped kerbs, those are also welcome, although they may have to be saved for later projects.
The Selly Oak GTD is also involved in the drawing up of a local cycling and walking network plan, connected with the Wider Hospitals & University Campus masterplan currently in development. This is tied in also with BCR's Birmingham-wide Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy. The intention is that this network plan will direct funding for future infrastructure changes to improve the cycling environment around Selly Oak. If you have suggestions for larger changes that could be considered for this network plan, please do also pass those on.
Here is a contact form that will send an email to Joe Green, who is collecting the suggestions. Please give him clear details on the location that you are talking about - if you name a street, please say which end it is, for example - so that the infrastructure goes in the right places.