Consultation: Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS)

A bus stop bypass on Wilmslow Road

The national government is holding a consultation on their draft Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS). The intention of CWIS is that it will provide a framework for local councils to plan their cycling and walking networks and then apply for funding for delivering those networks. The only problem is that national government does not seem willing to provide the money to fund these networks.

The consultation closes on Monday 23rd May.

Push Bikes will put in a response to the consultation. You can also put in a response as a private individual, to help to show a strong level of support for better cycling conditions in England. We have put some talking points for the consultation below, which you can copy and past but there is a very fast action that you can take which will be really useful.

A fast action you can take:

Cycling UK (the CTC as was) are running the Demand More Than Milk campaign to demand more money. They have a letter which you can send to your MP to ask them to sign up to a joint letter for MPs to call for more funding for cycling. It is very important that MPs hear from their local constituents about the need for funding - we need as many people as possible to ask their MPs to sign up to this letter.

Go here to take the Cycling UK action.

This action is part of a campaign by national organisations - including Cycle Nation, Sustrans and British Cycling as well as Cycling UK - to ask MPs to sign up to this letter.

