BCR Stage 3 Proposals

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The plans for BCR Stage 3 were presented to the BCR Stakeholder group this week.

Main Corridors

High quality "showcase" routes on main corridors with a high degree of segregation from motor vehicles and pedestrians are proposed for BCR3. These will follow the philosophy of road space reallocation presented in Birmingham Connected. At junctions there will either significant schemes, and /or use of quieter parallel routes.

The routes will include both enhancements to existing routes and measures on routes with no cycling infrastructure at all. They include the A34, A5127, A45, A38, and the B4124.

Parallel Routes

These will be in and around the ten Green Travel districts (see the map below), providing local links to shopping centres.

City Centre

Additional routes, including cycle tracks in wide footways on Queensway and the Ring Road.

Local Links

Minor measures within a pilot residential area to improve connectivity and permeability for cyclists and pedestrians. In addition there will be local access schemes to existing routes.

Canal Tow Paths

The work started in BCR1 will be extended outwards toward the city limits, and additional canals will have their tow paths paved. Signing will be developed, and access will be improved. Major improvements will be undertaken at problematic locations (The Ackers, Edgbaston Tunnel, Ashted Tunnel. Lighting will be trialled.

Green Routes

Various improvements to Green Routes, including the trialling of lighting.


Variable speed limits to be located outside schools, particularly on main roads.

Supporting Measures

Cycle parking and cycle provision (Brompton Docks, Big Birmingham Bikes) will be focused on the new Green Travel Districts.

BCR 3 Map
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